This week on the Faculty Factory Podcast our show’s producer and web content manager, Casey Callanan, MBA, joins us for a candid conversation about communications, altmetrics and the launch of our Faculty Factory Patreon webpage.
Patreon is a way to assist the Faculty Factory by signing up to make a recurring $5 monthly donation to go directly towards supporting the entire Faculty Factory project. This will help ensure our weekly podcast and website can continue its mission and thrive.
We share a passion for serving faculty and helping you exceed their clinical, research, education, program building, and leadership expectations. By joining the Patreon you’ll be directly supporting that mission, and as a way to say thanks, you will get a free PDF copy of Casey’s new book, Altmetrics for Academic Faculty: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Tactical with the Tools of Altmetrics through Patreon.
In addition to Altmetrics for Academic Faculty, Casey is the author of How to Podcast When You Aren’t Tech Savvy and Anxiety Relief from Online Bullies.
Casey helped me launch WagYourWork.com and encouraged me to self-publish Wag Your Work: Writing Accountability Groups Bootcamp for Increasing Scholarly Productivity. In addition to his producer role, Casey has also authored three blog posts for us at the Faculty Factory:
Welcome to the Faculty Factory (Podcast Episode No. 1)
Reflections of a Faculty Factory Interview with AAMC President Darrell G. Kirch, MD
Pursuing Equity in Medicine with Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD
As a Patreon supporter you will be able to directly email and call Casey for any communications, self-publishing or social media questions that you may have! Feel free to Contact Us to learn more about contacting Casey.
Get the full story about how you can support us by listening to today’s podcast episode with Casey (embedded below), and by visiting our official Patreon webpage.
You can also learn more about Patreon by watching this video: