Introducing our Faculty Development/Faculty Affairs Database

Dr. Skarupski

As part of the mission of the Faculty Factory we are introducing a new tool that will hopefully be useful to those in our field.

(As a friendly reminder, the mission of the Faculty Factory is to build and support a community of leaders in faculty development who share tools, resources, wisdom, and encouragement in service to our faculty members, schools, and institutions.)

This database, which you can find as part of our new Scholarship section will hopefully make it easier for everyone to search and find published literature in our field. By building a faculty affairs – faculty development scholarship database we hope that we can better organize this literature.

The database can be searched by entering a query into the search box that is located in the top right portion of the page. You can also print the database, and export it as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to manipulate the data as you see fit.

If you’d like to submit a faculty affairs/faculty development-focused reference, or make a suggestion, please contact us to help make this new tool even more helpful to our community!