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Laura Schweitzer, PhD, joins us on the Faculty Factory for a discussion on successful job searches. Dr. Schweitzer is president emeritus and former vice president for health sciences at SUNY Albany in New York.
She coaches women and underrepresented applicants in medicine how to secure high-level administrative jobs in academic medicine, academic engineering and university administration. She has helped to place chancellors, college presidents, vice presidents, deans and chairs.
Dr. Schweitzer was my job coach and helped me land my position with Johns Hopkins Medicine. I can personally attest to her effectiveness!
When it comes to finding a job, there is a simple reminder Dr. Schweitzer encourages us to keep in mind. It is incredibly simple, but very easy to overlook: It’s not about you, it’s about them.
Dr. Schweitzer talks to us about how we can keep in mind what the institution needs as we look for that new position, and how we might better prepare for the interview. She also reminds us of the typical steps involved in any academic job search.
“You can hire someone great but if they don’t come with the skillset and experiences you need, then the hire will not work,” Dr. Schweitzer said.
I highly encourage everyone to listen to this podcast episode with Dr. Schweitzer. If there is one thing to takeaway from this podcast, it is to remember that it’s not about us, it’s about what the institution needs.
Listen to the interview via the embedded podcast player above, and check out our Podcast Homepage for more episodes. If you have any questions or requests for Dr. Schweitzer, you can reach her at