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Elise M. Weerts, PhD, joins the Faculty Factory Podcast this week to bring us insight on writing the “right” grant. Dr. Weerts is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences with Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Md.
Today’s edition of the Faculty Factory Podcast is another faculty development “snippet” episode.
Dr. Weerts works with small cohorts in psychiatry where she emphasizes the importance of something that might sound simple, but can often be overlooked.
Before looking at specific aims, Dr. Weerts encourages the investigators she works with to make sure they are writing the right grant in the first place.
As you’ll learn on today’s episode, Dr. Weerts has vital experience reviewing grants for National Institutes of Health (NIH) which gave her the foundation of understanding what makes a strong grant. She encourages the practice of “grant brainstorming” to help faculty ensure they are pursuing the grant that is best for them.
This process helps faculty avoid the struggles that arise when pursuing the “wrong” grant. In the opening minutes of this podcast, Dr. Weerts describes this process in careful detail.
Make sure to listen to the entire discussion with Dr. Weerts by listening to the episode via the podcast player embedded above, or by visiting our Podcast Homepage. As a friendly reminder, all “snippet” episodes have been uploaded to YouTube, which you can check out via this link.