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Donna L. Vogel, MD, PhD, is our guest today for another important chat. This time we discuss how to be a memorable mentor. Today’s edition of the Faculty Factory Podcast is another faculty development “snippet” episode.
She is a familiar voice on this podcast, especially when it comes to our “snippet” shows.
As you know by now, Dr. Vogel held the position of Director, the Professional Development Office, Johns Hopkins University. Before that she was Program Director of the Reproductive Medicine grant portfolio at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The snippet episodes are intended to serve faculty with practical faculty development content on the go.
I hope you enjoy today’s snippet edition of the podcast. Are you finding these snippet interviews as thought-provoking as I am? Please feel free to let me know your feedback via the Contact Us page on this website.
Today’s episode is the 10th Snippet episode, and the 5th time Dr. Vogel has joined us. Please make sure to listen to her previous episodes:
- Getting That Paper off the Ground (Faculty Factory Snippet No. 8)
- How to Turbocharge your Presentation Skills (Faculty Factory Snippet No. 6)
- Professional Societies, Beyond Getting the Journal (Faculty Factory Snippet No. 4)
- Applying for Funding, Top Ten Things to Know (Faculty Factory Snippet No. 2)
Did you know we are on YouTube now? All Snippet episodes have been uploaded to YouTube, which you can check out via this link.
You can listen to the full episode of today’s show through the embedded podcast player above, or as always, feel free to visit our Podcast Homepage to listen to all our episodes!