In accordance with the Faculty Factory mission, we want to make it easier to search and find published literature in our field. Below is a reference list of various published works in faculty affairs and faculty development. To have any relevant work added to this database, or to submit any suggestions about this database, please contact us.
References |
Ahmed S, Morahan PS, Wells R, Marcondes P, Shah H. Creating a community of practice using Learning Circles: A unique design. MedEdPortal. Sept. 16, 2014, No. 9896. |
Alexandraki, Irene MD, MPH; Rosasco, Robyn E. MSLIS; Mooradian, Arshag D. MD An Evaluation of Faculty Development Programs for Clinician–Educators, Academic Medicine: October 27, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003813 |
Allan J, Brooks A, Crusto C, Feld L, Oxentenko A, Spector N, Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Silver J Five Strategies Leaders in Academic Medicine Can Implement Now to Enhance Gender Equity J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e47933 URL: DOI: 10.2196/47933 |
Alliger, G.M. & Janak, E. A. (1989). Kirkpatrick’s levels of training criteria: Thirty Years. Personnel Psychology, 42 (2), 331-342. |
Amaral E, Campos HH, Friedman S, Morahan P, Araujo MNT, Marcondes P, Bollela V, Ribeiro MGF, Mennin S, Haddad AE, Campos F. An educational international partnership responding to local needs: process evaluation of the Brazil FAIMER Regional Institute. Education for Health. 2012;25:116-123. |
Argrys, C. "Teaching Smart People How to Learn." Harvard Business Review. May-June 1991, 99-109. Reprint 91301 |
Aschenbrener CA, Grigsby RK. (2009). AAMC creates new developing organizational leadership team. AAMC Courier, 23(4), 3. |
Ayyala M, Skarupski KA, Bodurtha J, Gonzalez-Fernandez M, Ishii L, Fivush B, & Levine RB. Mentorship is not enough: Exploring sponsorship and its role in career advancement in academic medicine. Academic Medicine. 2019; 94(1):94-100. |
Babcock L, Recalde MP, Vesterlund L. Why women volunteer for tasks that don’t lead to promotions. Harvard Business Review. July 16, 2018. |
Bachrach D. Academic Physician and Scientist March 2005. Retain or Replace: The True Costs of Unintended Faculty Departures and How to Minimize Them. |
Bachrach D. Academic Physician and Scientist May/June 2002. How Can You Increase Racial Diversity Among Faculty at Your Institution? |
Baldwin, R. G., & Chang, D. A. (2006). Reinforcing our "keystone" faculty: Strategies to support faculty in the middle years of academic life. Liberal Education, 92(4), 28–35. |
Baldwin, R., Dezure, D., Shaw, A., & Moretto, K. (2008). Mapping the terrain of mid-career faculty at a research university: Implications for faculty and academic leaders. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 40(5), 46–55. |
Barden, Agnes & Giammarinaro, Nicole & Fornari, Alice & Cerise, Jane. (2019). Impact of a faculty development course on relationship-centered communication skills. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. 12. 1-6. 10.1080/17538068.2019.1673621. |
Barefoot, B. O., Kinzie, J. L. (Eds.). (2018). Reinventing academic retirement: New directions for higher education (No. 182). Wiley. Retrieved from |
Bates C, Gordon L, Travis E, Chatterjee A, Chaudron L, Fivush B, Gulati M, Jagsi R, Sharma P, Gillis M, Ganetzky R, Grover A, Lautenberger D, Moses A. Striving for gender equity in academic medicine careers: A call to action. Acad Med 2016;91(8):1-3. |
Bates CK, Gottlieb AS. Moving the needle on gender equity: A call for personal and organizational action. Journal of General Internal Medicine 34:329–30 (2019). |
Bates CK, Jagsi R, Gordon LK, Travis E, Chatterjee A, Gillis M, Means O, Chaudron L, Ganetzky R, Gulati M, Fivush B, Sharma P, Grover A, Lautenberger D, Flotte TR. It Is Time for Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine. Acad Med 2018 Feb;93(2):163-165. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002050. PubMed PMID: 29116986. |
Bellini LM, Kaplan B, Fischel JE, Meltzer C, Peterson P, Sonnino RE. The Definition of Faculty Must Evolve: A Call to Action. Acad Med. 2020 Oct;95(10):1515-1520. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003158. PMID: 31972674. |
Bellini, Lisa M. MD; Kaplan, Brian MD; Fischel, Janet E. PhD; Meltzer, Carolyn MD; Peterson, Pamela MD; Sonnino, Roberta E. MD The Definition of Faculty Must Evolve: A Call to Action, Academic Medicine: October 2020 - Volume 95 - Issue 10 - p 1515-1520 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003158 |
Benson, CB, Morahan, PS, Sachdeva, AJ, Richman, R. Effective faculty mentoring during reorganization of an an academic health center. Medical Teacher. 24 :550-557, 2002. |
Berman RA, Gottlieb AS. Job negotiations in academic medicine: Building a competency-based roadmap for residents and fellows. Journal of General Internal Medicine 34:146-149 (2019). |
Bickel J. Not Too Late to Reinvigorate: How Midcareer Faculty Can Continue Growing. Acad Med. 2016 Dec;91(12):1601-1605. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001310. PMID: 27438159. |
Bickel, J. (2014). How Men Can Excel as Mentors of Women. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 89(8), 1–3. |
Biebuyck J; Mallon, W. The Successful Medical School Department Chair - Module 1 - a Guide to Good Institutional Practice. AAMC 2002 |
Bland CF, Seaquist E, Pacala JT, Center B, Finstad D. One School’s Strategy to Assess and Improve the Vitality of its Faculty. Acad Med 2002;77:368-376 |
Bland CJ, Taylor AL, Shollen LS, Weber-Main AM, Mulcahy PA. (2009). Faculty Success Through Mentoring. Rowman & Littlefield Education. |
Bland CJ, Weber-Main, AM, Lund SM, Finstand DA. The Research Productive Department: Strategies from Departments That Excel. Anker Publishing Company, Inc. Boston, MA, 2005. |
Bland, CJ, Taylor, A, Shollenberger, S. (Summer, 2006). Mentoring Systems: Benefits and Challenges of diverse mentoring partnerships. Faculty Vitae. AAMC, Wash. DC. |
Block SM, Sonnino RE, Bellini L. Defining "faculty" in academic medicine: responding to the challenges of a changing environment. Acad Med. 2015 Mar;90(3):279-82. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000575. PMID: 25406611. |
Block SM, Sonnino RE, Bellini L. Defining “faculty” in academic medicine: responding to the challenges of a changing environment. Academic Medicine. 2015. 90(3): 279-282. |
Bollela V, Wells R, Chacko T, Supe A, Singh T, Bezuidenhout J, et al. Innovative poster session design: Deepening interactions and increasing exchanges. MedEdPORTAL; 2011. Available from: |
Bowles HR, Babcock L, Lai L. Social incentives for gender differences in the propensity to initiate negotiations: Sometimes it does hurt to ask. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 2007;103:84-103. |
Boyer, E. "Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate." The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 1990 (11th printing: 1996) |
Buckley PF, Grigsby RK. (2011). A propitious moment in the midst of crisis: A case study of organizational change in an academic department. Academic Psychiatry, 35, 143-148. |
Bunton S, Grigsby RK, Dandar, V (2018) Understanding Burnout Among Faculty in U.S. Medical Schools. Poster session presented at the Group on Faculty Affairs Meeting, St. Louis, MO. |
Bunton S, Sass P, Sloane R, Grigsby RK. (2018). Characteristics of interim deans in US medical schools: Implications for institutions and individuals. Academic Medicine, 93(2): 241-245. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000001920 |
Burdick WP, Diserens D, Friedman SR, Morahan PS, Kalishman S, Eklund MA, Mennin S, Norcini JJ. Measuring the effects of an international health professions faculty development fellowship: the FAIMER Institute. Medical Teacher. 2010;32:414-421. |
Burdick, WP, Morahan, PS, Norcini,JJ. Capacity building in medical education and health outcomes in developing countries : the missing link. Education for Health. 2007;20(3):1-9. |
Campion M, Skinner VM, Matsui JI, Dandar VM, Pipitone KM, Singh M, Chatterjee A. “A guide for developing a mid-career faculty development program in academic medicine.” 2016, AAMC iCollaborative. Available at |
Campos HC, Friedman SR, Morahan PS, Campos F. Haddad AE. Chapter 14. Evaluation of health professions leadership and management and programs that teach these competencies. In: McGaghie WC, editor. International Best Practices for Evaluation in the Health Professions. Abingdon, UK: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd. 2013: 311-327. |
Carnes, M., Morrissey, C., & Geller, S. E. (2008). Women’s health and women's leadership in academic medicine: hitting the same glass ceiling? Journal of women’s health (2002), 17(9), 1453-62. |
Carroll, R. G. (1993). Implications of adult education theories for medical school faculty development programmes. Medical Teacher, 15(2–3), 163–170. |
Catenaccio E, Rochlin JM, Simon HK. Addressing Gender-Based Disparities in Earning Potential in Academic Medicine. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(2):e220067. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0067 |
Chang S, Guindani M, Morahan P, Magrane D, Newbill S, Helitzer D. Increasing Promotion of Women Faculty in Academic Medicine: Impact of National Career Development Programs. J Womens Health (in press, August 2020). |
Chang S, Morahan PS, Magrane D, Helitzer D, Lee HY, Newbill S, Peng H, Guindani M, Cardinali G. Retaining faculty in academic medicine: the impact of career development programs for women. Journal of Women’s Health. April 2016- 25(7):687-696. |
Chubinskaya S and Virdi AS. How Rush University Established a Mentoring Program for Women Faculty that Can Serve as a Model for Other Universities. Academic Impressions. 09-2021. |
Chubinskaya S, Isic MM, Keers S. Connecting faculty productivity and academic advancement with annual performance assessment by using a customized faculty management system. Journal of Faculty development. 2021, 35(3):8-15 |
Cooper M. For women leaders, likability and success hardly go hand-in-hand. Harvard Business Review. April 30, 2013. |
Dandar VM, Bunton SA, Grigsby R.K. (2019). Burnout among faculty in academic medicine. Analysis in Brief. 19(1), 1-2. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges. |
Dandar VM, Grigsby RK, Bunton SA. (2019). Examining Burnout Across Medical School Faculty. Poster session presented at the Group on Faculty Affairs Meeting, Chicago, IL. |
Dandar VM, Lautenberger DM. Exploring Faculty Salary Equity at U.S. Medical Schools by Gender and Race/Ethnicity. Washington, DC: AAMC; 2021. Download report here: |
Dannels SA, McLaughlin J, Gleason KA, McDade SA, Richman R, Morahan PS. Medical school deans’ perceptions of organizational climate: useful indicators for advancement of women faculty and program evaluation of a leadership program’s impact. Academic Medicine. 2009;84:67-74. |
Dannels, SA, McLaughlin, JM, Gleason, KA, Dolan, TA, McDade, SA, Richman,RC, et al. Dental school deans’ perceptions of the organizational culture and impact of the ELAM program on the cuture and advancement of women faculty. Journal of Dental Education. 2009;73(6):676-688. |
Dannels, SA., Yamagata, H, McDade, SA, Chuang, Y-C, Gleason, KA, McLaughlin, JM, Richman, RC, Morahan, PS. Evaluating a leadership program : a comparative longitudinal study to evaluate the impact of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program for women. Academic Medicine 2008;83:488-495. |
DePalma M, Kurowski BG, Hackworth J, Steel S, Kahn JA. Sustained impact of an academic medical center faculty leadership development program. Journal of Faculty Development September 2020; 34:1-6. |
Desai, Sanjay V. MD; Burk-Rafel, Jesse MD, MRes; Lomis, Kimberly D. MD; Caverzagie, Kelly MD; Richardson, Judee PhD; O’Brien, Celia Laird PhD; Andrews, John MD; Heckman, Kevin MBA; Henderson, David MD; Prober, Charles G. MD; Pugh, Carla M. MD, PhD; Stern, Scott D. MD; Triola, Marc M. MD; Santen, Sally A. MD, PhD. Precision Education: The Future of Lifelong Learning in Medicine. Academic Medicine 99(4S):p S14-S20, April 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005601 |
Detsky, A.S. & Baerlocher, M.O. (2007). Academic Mentoring—How to Give It and How to Get It, JAMA; 297: 2134-2136. |
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Evanoff BA, Strickland JR, Dale AM, et al. Work-Related and Personal Factors Associated With Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Response: Survey of Health Care and Other Workers. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(8):e21366. Published 2020 Aug 25. doi:10.2196/21366 |
Feder, M. U. Chicago, |
Fornari, A, Shah, D. Mentoring in Health Professions Education: Evidence-Informed Strategies Across the Continuum. International Association of Medical Educators (IAMSE), Publication, 2021. |
Fried, L. P., Francomano, C. A., MacDonald, S. M., Wagner, E. M., Stokes, E. J., Carbone, K. M., Bias, W. B., Newman, M. M., Stobo, J. D. (1996) Career Development for Women in Academic Medicine: Multiple Interventions in a Department of Medicine. JAMA. 1996; 276(11): 898-905. |
Frost, P; Robinson, S. "The Toxic Handler. Organizational Hero - and Casualty." Harvard Business Review. July-August 1999, 97-106. Reprint 99406. |
Gardner SK. Faculty Learning and Professional Growth in the Sabbatical Leave. Innov High Educ. 2022;47(3):435-451. doi: 10.1007/s10755-021-09584-4. Epub 2021 Oct 23. PMID: 34720384; PMCID: PMC8536478. |
GFA Leadership Guide for Faculty Affairs Professionals, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA). |
Giancola JK, *Guillot M, Chatterjee A, Bleckman A, Hoyme HE. Evaluation of a formal pediatric faculty mentorship program for new physicians. S D Med 2018 Jun;71(6):256-262. PMID: 30005149 |
Gilotra NA, Shpigel A, Okwuosa IS, Tamrat R, Flowers D, Skarupski K, Yousem DM, & Russell SD. Description of heart failure patients’ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator profiles. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 2017;4(2):189-98. |
Golper, T., & Feldman, H. (2008). New challenges and paradigms for mid-career facultyin academic medical centers: Key strategies for success for mid-career medical school faculty. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 3(6), 1870. |
Gottlieb AS, Roy B, Herrin J, Holaday LW, Weiss J, Salazar MC, Okoli N, Nagarkatti N, Otridge J, Pomeroy C. Why Are There So Few Women Medical School Deans? Debunking the Myth That Shorter Tenures Drive Disparities. Acad Med. 2024 Jan 1;99(1):63-69. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005315. Epub 2023 Jul 6. PMID: 37418698. |
Gottlieb AS, Travis EL. Rationale and models for career advancement sponsorship in academic medicine: The time is here; the time is now. Academic Medicine 93:1620-1623 (2018). |
Gottlieb AS. Promoting academic careers of women in medicine. Maturitas 96:114-115 (2017). |
Gottlieb M, Fung CC, Haas MRC, Cooney R, King A, Riddell J. Educational Podcasts: Effect of Content Delivery Timing on Knowledge Acquisition and Retention. Acad Med. 2024 Mar 28. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005722. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38551950. |
Gottlieb, A. and Jagsi, R., 2021. Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine. New England Journal of Medicine, 385(27), pp.2501-2504. |
Gould JC, Luna RE, Vogel D. Writing well: lowering the barriers to success. Nature Immunology, Volume 15, Number 8. August 8, 2014. |
Graff SL, Wildes T, Duma N, Dizon DS, LoConte NK, Mitchell E, Murphy MC, Perez EA, Temkin SM, Kunz PL, Winkfield KM. Understanding Modern Medical Centers: Beyond Simone-Intersectional Maxims for a New Era. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Mar 1;41(7):1350-1358. doi: 10.1200/JCO.22.01060. Epub 2022 Sep 27. PMID: 36166718. |
Greene, Amanda K. PhD, MPH1; Szczygiel, Lauren A. PhD2; Thomas, J. Denard PhD3; Jones, Rochelle D. MS4; Cutter, Christina M. MD, MSc5; Feldman, Eva L. MD, PhD6; Kerr, Eve A. MD, MPH7; Paradis, Kelly C. PhD8; Settles, Isis H. PhD9; Singer, Kanakadurga MD, MA10; Spector, Nancy D. MD11; Stewart, Abigail J. PhD12; Telem, Dana MD, MPH13; Ubel, Peter A. MD14; Jagsi, Reshma MD, DPhil15. Leadership Experiences and Perceptions of Mid-Career to Senior Clinician-Scientists: A Qualitative Exploration. Academic Medicine ():10.1097/ACM.0000000000005777, June 4, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005777 |
Grigsby RK, Aber RC, Quillen DA. (2009). Commentary: Interim leadership of academic departments in AAMC schools. Academic Medicine, 84, 1328-1329. |
Grigsby RK, Aschenbrener CA. (2009). AAMC Staff ethics team chartered. AAMC Courier, 23(5), 3. |
Grigsby RK, Hefner DS, Souba WW, Kirch DG. (2004). The future-oriented department chair. Academic Medicine, 79, 571-577. |
Grigsby RK, Kirch DG. (2006). Faculty and staff teams: A tool for unifying the academic health center and improving mission performance. Academic Medicine, 81,688-695. |
Grigsby RK, Magrane D. (2008). Teams as tools for changing the culture of academic medicine. AAMC Faculty Vitae. |
Grigsby RK, Mallon WT. (2019, expected). Thriving: New Perspectives and Approaches for Personal and Organizational Success. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges. (Work in progress.) |
Grigsby RK, Souba WW, Hefner DS. (2009). The future-oriented faculty member. Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-6. |
Grigsby RK, Thorndyke L. (2005). The need for succession planning. Academic Physician and Scientist, 2-3. |
Grigsby RK, Thorndyke L. (2011). Recognizing and rewarding clinical scholarship. Academic Medicine, 86, 127-121. |
Grigsby RK. (2004). Five potential pitfalls for junior faculty at academic health centers. Academic Physician and Scientist, 2-3. |
Grigsby RK. (2006). Are you really a team player? Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-5. |
Grigsby RK. (2006). Managing organizational pain in academic health centers. Academic Physician & Scientist, 1-3. |
Grigsby RK. (2007). The deadly trap of gossip: A pitfall for junior faculty. Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-6. |
Grigsby RK. (2007). The fine art of apology: When, why, and how to say, “I’m sorry”. Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-6. |
Grigsby RK. (2008). Committee, task force, team: What’s the difference? Why does it matter? Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-5. |
Grigsby RK. (2008). Committee, task force, team: What’s the difference? Why does it matter? Edited version, with author’s permission. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University Newsletter What’s up.doc, 2(3). |
Grigsby RK. (2008). Investing in a postdoc for your lab. Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-5. |
Grigsby RK. (2008). The fine art of apology: When, why, and how to say, “I’m sorry”. 24/7/365: The International Journal of Humanities & Healthcare, 1(1), 8-11. |
Grigsby RK. (2010). Five ways to fail as a new leader in academic medicine. Academic Physician and Scientist, 4-5. |
Grigsby RK. (2010). Strategic vision for development of leaders in academic medicine. AAMC Courier, 24(2), 3. |
Grigsby RK. (2013). Solving the mentoring mystery. AM Rounds – Beyond the pages of Academic Medicine. Retrieved from: |
Grigsby RK. (2015). Enhancing behavioral science knowledge and skills in 21st century leaders in academic medicine and science. J Organizational Behavior Management, 35(1-2):123-134. |
Grigsby, RK (2016, October) The Shifting Leadership Paradigm in Academic Medicine and Science. Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Webinar. |
Grigsby, RK. (2015, April). Developing Effective Communication Strategies. CORE Project: PCP Leads Webinar |
Grigsby, RK., Smith, P. (2014, May). The Why, What and How of Recruiting Tip Talent Leaders in Academic Medicine. AIR Webinar. |
Gruppen, L., Frohna, A., Anderson, R., & Lowe, K. (2003) Faculty development for educational leadership and scholarship. Academic Medicine, 78 (2), 137-141. |
Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring: A Roadmap for Departments, Schools, Mentors and Mentees, Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, Columbia University . |
Hackworth J, Steel S, DePalma M, Cooksey E, Kahn JA. Faculty Members’ Self-Awareness, Leadership Confidence, and Leadership Skills Improve after an Evidence-Based Leadership Training Program. Journal of Pediatrics August 2018;199:4-6.e2. |
Hackworth JM, Meinzen-Derr J, DePalma M, Hostetter M, Klein M, O’Toole JK, Kahn JA. The Impact of Primary Mentors and Career Development Committees on Junior Faculty Productivity in a Pediatric Academic Health Center. Journal of Pediatrics; in press. |
Hafler JP, Ownby AR., Thompson BM, Fasser CE, Grigsby RK, Haidet P, Kahn MJ, Hafferty FW. (2011). Decoding the learning environment of medical education: A hidden curriculum perspective for faculty development. Academic Medicine, 86, 440-444. |
Hammoud, M. M., Winkel, A. F., Wolff, M., & Andrews, J. S. (2024). AMA’s coaching in graduate medical education—A faculty handbook. Retrieved from |
Handorf, Anna MD; Healy, Michael G. EdD; Klouda, Anna MD; Lu, Alice MD; Moawad, Iman PharmD; Tan, Weizhen MD; Park, Yoon Soo PhD; Frey-Vogel, Ariel MD, MAT. Let’s Chalk About It: Introducing the TinyTalks Curriculum, a Paradigm for Short, Virtual Chalk Talks. Academic Medicine ():10.1097/ACM.0000000000005718, March 25, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005718 |
Helitzer D, Newbill S, Cardinali G, Morahan, PS, Chang S, Magrane D. Changing the culture of academic health center institutions: Critical mass or critical actors? Journal of Women’s Health. 2017; 26:540-548. |
Helitzer DL, Newbill SL, Cardinali G, Morahan PS, Chang S, Magrane D. Narratives of Participants in National Career Development Programs for Women in Academic Medicine: Identifying the Opportunities for Strategic Investment. Journal of Women’s Health. March 2016-25(4):1-11. PMID:26982007. |
Helitzer DL, Newbill SL, Morahan PS, Magrane M, Chang S, Cardinali G, Wu C-C. Perceptions of skill development of participants in three national career development programs for women faculty in academic medicine. Academic Medicine. 2014; 89 (6): 896-903. |
Hitchcock, M.A., Stritter, F.T., & Bland, C.J. (1992). Faculty development in the health professions: Conclusions and recommendations. Medical Teacher, 14 (4), 295-309. |
Hsu J, Ridgway T, Kemnitz J, Chatterjee A. Collaborating to enhance faculty development through structured funding. S D Med 2018 Jun;71(6):264-266. PMID: 30005150 |
Huber KN, Zaidi Z, Morahan PS. Chapter 5. Graceful self-promotion. In: Zaidi et al. Eds. Extending the Frontier: Contemporary Topics in Medical Education. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. 2019. |
Ibarra H, Ely R, Kolb D. Women rising: The unseen barriers. Harvard Business Review. September 2013. |
Jackson, VP. Time Management: A Realistic Approach. Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 6, Issue 6, 434 - 436 |
Jagsi R, Means O, Lautenberger D, Jones RD, Griffith KA, Flotte TR, Gordon LK, Rexrode KM, Wagner LW, Chatterjee A. “Women’s representation among members and leaders of national medical specialty Societies.” In press Acad Med 2019. |
Jagsi, Reshma & Spector Nancy D. “Leading by Design: Lessons learned for the future from 25 years of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program for Women. Academic Medicine.” 2020. Published ahead of print. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003577 |
Jalilianhasanpour R, Asadollahi S, Yousem D, Creating joy in the workplace, European Journal of Radiology, Volume 145, 2021, 110019, ISSN 0720-048X, |
Johl KJ, Grigsby RK. (2017). Engaging learners in health system quality improvement. Academic Medicine, 92(5): 593-597. |
Johnson CE, Keating JL, Molloy EK. Psychological safety in feedback: What does it look like and how can educators work with learners to foster it? Med Educ. 2020 Jun;54(6):559-570. doi: 10.1111/medu.14154. PMID: 32170881. |
Joiner KA. A Strategy for Allocating Central Funds to Support New Faculty Recruitment, Acad Med 2005; 80:218-224 |
Kabu CS. Who does she think she is? Women, leadership, and the ‘B’(ias) word. Clin Neuropsychol. 2018;32:235-251. |
Kirch DG, Grigsby RK, Zolko W, Moskowitz J, Hefner DN, Souba WW, Carubia J, Baron SD. (2005). Reinventing the academic health center. Academic Medicine, 80(11), 980- 989. |
Kupesic Plavsic S, Mulla ZD. The essentials of a faculty development program in the setting of a new medical schoolJournal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:952-955 |
Kushmerick, A. (2010). Assessing faculty productivity and institutional research performance: Using publication and citation key performance indicators. Retrieved from |
Ladhani Z, Shah H, Wells R, Friedman S, Bezuidenhout J, van Heerden B, Campos H, Morahan PS. Global leadership Model for Health Professions Education – A case Study of the FAIMER program. Journal of Leadership Education. Special 2015: 67-91. |
Lakoski, J. (2009). Top 10 Tips to Maximize Your Mentoring, Career Magazine, August 14, 2009, CTSCINet |
Laursen, S., & Rocque, B. (2009). Faculty development for institutional change: Lessons from an advance project. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 41(2), 18–26. |
Lee JK, Tackett S, Skarupski KA, Forbush K, Fivush B, Oliva-Hemker M, Levine RB. Inspiring and Preparing Our Future Leaders: Evaluating the Impact of the Early Career Women’s Leadership Program. J Healthc Leadersh. 2024;16:287-302 |
Lee, A., Dennis, C., Campbell, P. (2007). Nature’s guide for mentors, Nature; 447: 791-797. |
Leggio LE, Ryan M, Peltier C, Belkowitz J, Barone MA, Byerley J, Chatterjee A, Nakamura K, Stirling J, Rabalais G. Recruitment and Retention: Recommendations from the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs and Education Committee and the Council of Medical Student Education in Pediatrics Task Force on Community Preceptors. J Pediatrics 2017;191:4–5.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.08.043. |
Levine RB, González-Fernández M, Bodurtha J, Skarupski KA, & Fivush B. (2015). Implementation and Evaluation of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Leadership Program for Women Faculty. Journal of Women’s Health. 2015;24(5):360-366. |
Lucas R, Brutus N, Federico-Martinez G, et al. Academic career exploration: learner opportunities through the Office of Faculty Affairs. MedEdPORTAL. 2024;20:11460. |
Lucas, R, Goldman, EF., Scott, AR., Dandar, V. Leadership Development Programs at Academic Health Centers: Results of a National Survey. Academic Medicine, February 2018,93(2):229-236 Research Reports |
Lucey C, Notestine M, Sedmak D, Souba W, Way D, Yu L. Do Deans and Teaching Hospital CEOs Agree on What It Takes to Be a Successful Clinical Department Chair? Academic Medicine, Vol. 86, No. 8 / August 2011 |
Lyness, J, Lurie S, Ward D, Mooney C, Lambert D, (2013). Engaging students and faculty: implications of self-determination theory for teachers and leaders in academic medicine. BMC Medical Education. |
Magrane D, Helitzer D, Morahan P, Chang S, Gleason, K, Cardinali G, Wu C. Systems of career influences: A conceptual model for evaluating the professional development of women in academic medicine, J Women’s Health, December 2012;21:1-8 |
Magrane D, Morahan P, Ambrose S, Dannels DA. Competencies and practices in academic engineering leadership development: Lessons from a national survey. Social Sciences. 2018; 7: 171; doi:10.3390/socsci7100171 |
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