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Making his Faculty Factory debut in a memorable way this week is Michael Gottlieb, MD, RDMS, FAAEM, FACEP.
Naturally, here at the Faculty Factory Podcast, our ears perk up when we hear about the intersection of podcasts, learning, research, and academic medicine. We are joined by Dr. Gottlieb this week to learn all about his research into how the way content is delivered within an educational podcast impacts the actual learning takeaways for the listener and how much of that information is retained.
Dr. Gottlieb serves as Professor of Emergency Medicine, Vice Chair of Research, and Director of the Emergency Ultrasound Division in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
It’s a fascinating discussion, and we hope you buckle up for the journey that Dr. Gottlieb leads us on! As you will soon learn, the lion’s share of today’s conversation covers a lot of findings from his research for the recent study he co-authored, entitled “Educational Podcasts: Effect of Content Delivery Timing on Knowledge Acquisition and Retention,” which was published in Academic Medicine. You can learn more about that here.
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