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A frequent contributor to the Faculty Factory Podcast is back this week for another one of her trademark episodes that will leave you wanting more. Wendy Ward, PhD, ABPP, FAPA, returns as we discuss many aspects of developing leadership skills in academic health centers.
Even if you never entered the profession intending to take on a formal leadership position, Dr. Ward’s tutelage will help you adopt the right mindset should that opportunity unexpectedly arise, as it often does in academic medicine settings.
Dr. Ward is a pediatric psychologist and serves as Associate Provost and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock. At UAMS, she also serves as the Director of Interprofessional Faculty Development.
As mentioned in this interview, Dr. Ward is a significant contributor to our book, The Academic Medicine Starter Kit, which you can read and download for free here.
Many Leaders Did Not Plan to Lead
By virtue of being a faculty member in today’s demanding environments, it is crucial for early-career faculty members to remember that amidst all of the demands, you should try to take your time and be thoughtful. It is a long road, and you must find ways to enjoy it.
A lot of that understanding comes from defining your values and being intentional about knowing your True North as a professional and as a person.
If there is one central theme, we hope this interview leaves you with, it is this: you are enough so try to enjoy the adventure of your journey.
“Many people don’t plan to be leaders. Maybe one takeaway message from this podcast is to consider that whether you plan for it or not, you might be asked to be one. And it’s good to be ready if you are,” Dr. Ward said.
“Hopefully, amidst the busyness of the trainee years and the early career years, you can find ways to build those skills so that if you are asked, whether you intended to or not, you’ll be ready.”