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Charles G. Irvin, Ph.D., DE, ATSF, FERS, is Dr. Skarupski’s guest for another installment of the Faculty Factory Podcast this week.
As you’ll learn in the opening minute of today’s episode, Dr. Irvin was (originally) the first ever guest on this podcast. That is, until I, Casey Callanan, the producer of this very podcast, accidentally deleted his episode.
After a little playful ribbing (and rightfully so) within a couple weeks after the incident, he graciously found another hour on his busy calendar for us to re-record. You can listen to that episode with Dr. Irvin on our podcast webpage.
With that story in mind, when it comes to persistence, it’s fair to say Dr. Irvin “practices what he preaches.”
I am the author of How to Podcast When You Aren’t Tech Savvy, and I’ve been podcasting in some form (editing, recording, producing, etc.) for years, yet, I still have my head-scratching moments. After all we are all human.
Sometimes technology can have a mind of its own, and despite all my experience I failed to triple-check a key step in the podcast production workflow. Long story short: I lost the first ever episode of the Faculty Factory Podcast.
While Dr. Irvin doesn’t say it explicitly in today’s podcast, another “key to success” is certainly learning from your mistakes. I learned from this error and (pardon the cliché) it was a great, teachable moment for me. I’m proud to say +50 episodes of this podcast later, I’ve never made that same mistake again!
I hope you get a lot out of today’s episode as he dives into a discussion on his six secrets of success, based on a popular YouTube video and motivational speech from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Dr. Irvin is a Professor of Medicine, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, Vice Chairman for Research Department of Medicine and Director of the Vermont Lung Center at the University of Vermont. He was named Associate Dean for Faculty for the College of Medicine in 2012.
Make sure to listen to today’s Snippet episode through the podcast player embedded above, or by visiting our Faculty Factory podcast homepage.
Casey Callanan, MBA, is the podcast producer and web content manager for the Faculty Factory website and podcast.