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Kathy Forbush, MBA and MS, returns to the Faculty Factory Podcast this week to discuss identifying leadership competencies among faculty within the academic medicine community and beyond, offering insights applicable to professionals at any stage of their careers.
Building on our previous discussion from 2023, Kathy shares the process of updating JHU’s leadership competency model to be more inclusive and reflective of shifting needs.
She is the Executive Director for HR-Talent Management at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), where she is responsible for conducting talent acquisition and leading learning and organization development functions for JHU.
The last time she joined us was in September 2023 for an interview titled “Identifying (and Fixing) Where Faculty Struggle with Leadership.”
In that popular episode, she addressed where faculty often struggle with leadership and provided suggestions for addressing those common pitfalls.
You can learn more about her recent article that she co-authored with colleagues in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership, entitled “Inspiring and Preparing Our Future Leaders: Evaluating the Impact of the Early Career Women’s Leadership Program.”
Furthermore, you can contact Kathy directly by emailing her at
When exploring the key attributes that contribute to effective leadership—such as collaboration, continuous learning, and the pursuit of excellence—this interview, along with the previous one mentioned, are strong resources for those interested in enhancing their leadership skills in any profession.