Why Every Faculty Member Should Prioritize Compassion and Understanding with John Heymann, MD

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 John Heymann, MD
Dr. Heymann

According to our guest on this week’s episode of the Faculty Factory Podcast, John Heymann, MD, every academic medicine professional can bet big on two things: compassion and understanding.

Dr. Heymann is a neuroradiologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, where he serves as an Associate Professor in Radiology, as well as the Director of Residency Programs and Vice Chair of Clinical Operations.

“Being angry all the time is not conducive to longevity, and I think a lot of that comes from misunderstanding other people and their mind states. Therefore, it’s important to be mindful and practice compassion,” Dr. Heymann said.

It truly might be time to double down on compassion. Understanding is at the core of compassion, as we learn in this discussion, and both elements are necessary for compassion to manifest.

The bottom line is that how we interact with one another and recognize each other’s challenges is an essential part of our mental health and well-being.

Learn More

To contact Dr. Heymann with questions: jcheyman@utmb.edu

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