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Joining us this week for another Faculty Factory reunion episode is Laura Schweitzer, PhD.
Dr. Schweitzer presents us with the 12 key mistakes that folks in academic medicine tend to make when looking for a new job. This is in addition to catching us up on what she has been up to since we lasted chatted with her.
Dr. Schweitzer is president emeritus and former vice president for health sciences at SUNY Albany in New York. Her passions include coaching women and underrepresented applicants in medicine how to secure high-level administrative jobs in academic medicine, academic engineering, and university administration.
She has helped to place chancellors, college presidents, vice presidents, deans, and chairs. Dr. Schweitzer knows how to help faculty find opportunities for growth and has been coaching faculty for years.
We are grateful for her wisdom on today’s episode. If you would like to get in touch with Dr. Schweitzer, you can send her an email at
The last time we spoke with Dr. Schweitzer on the Faculty Factory was in December 2020. She joined us for a very notable interview called “How to Navigate a Successful Job Search.” You can listen to that episode and learn more here.
Please be sure to listen to today’s interview via the embedded podcast player above and check out our Podcast Homepage for more great episodes. If you have any questions or requests for the Faculty Factory podcast, send us a message at