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Elaine Schulte, MD, MPH, joins the Faculty Factory this week for a chat about coaching fundamentals. Dr. Schulte is Vice Chair, Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in New York.
Dr. Schulte is another fantastic guest as she discusses her “coach approach” and how she’s worked to build a coaching culture at her institution. This is the 30th Snippet episode, and our 81st show overall on the Faculty Factory Podcast!
As you’ll learn on today’s episode, Dr. Schulte works hard towards minimizing burnout. She works to instill a sense of belonging while building confidence, knowledge and new skills within her training.
She explains on today’s podcast how coaching skills can be efficiently applied to all aspects of our lives. These skills can be transferred to working with patients, peers and at home.
If you want to reach out to Dr. Schulte for more information about her coaching advice and training, please drop me a line via the Contact Us page. I will make sure to put you in touch with her.
As always, you can listen to today’s episode via the embedded podcast player above, on our Podcast Homepage, or by visiting our official YouTube channel. Enjoy!