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Thomas A. Louis, PhD, joins the Faculty Factory Podcast this week for a discussion full of career advice for faculty at all stages of their journey.
Dr. Louis is Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
He presents important time management tips in addition to the words of wisdom he shares about career guidance.
“Having five 20 percent commitments is very different than having 20 five percent commitments,” he said.
His advice is timeless and extremely effective.
“Be a finisher, if you say you’re going to do something, do it,” he said.
Of course, we couldn’t have a biostatistician on the podcast without some math. As you’ll hear towards the end of our discussion, Dr. Louis leaves us with two “very accessible” formulas for us to consider as we navigate our journeys.
Today’s edition of the podcast is another faculty development “snippet” episode. The Faculty Factory Podcast’s snippet episodes aim to deliver faculty development content to faculty members while on the go.
Make sure to listen to the entire discussion with Dr. Louis by listening to the episode through the podcast player embedded above, or by visiting our Podcast Homepage. As a friendly reminder, all “snippet” episodes have been uploaded to YouTube, which you can check out via this link.