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We are honored for the opportunity to speak with Benjamin R. Kinnear, MD, Med, this week on the Faculty Factory Podcast. Dr. Kinnear joins us for an important discussion about changing the way we approach medical education. He advocates for a competency-based time-variable model.
“At its core, competency-based education is just a philosophy of training that orients itself toward outcomes,” he told us.
Dr. Kinnear is an Internal Medicine-Pediatrics (Med-Peds) hospitalist. He serves as Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Program Director for the Med-Peds program with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
This conversation explores the essence of competency-based education, a philosophy of training that is fundamentally outcome-oriented.
Dr. Kinnear enlightens us on this crucial matter, highlighting how reshaping medical education through such an approach can revolutionize learning paradigms and ultimately shape more effective and capable medical professionals.
Understanding the principles and implications of this philosophy can potentially lead to transformative advancements in our field.
We also want to thank our friend Rachel Salas, MD, MEd, who recommended Dr. Kinnear to us as a guest! If you have a guest, that you’d like to sponsor to join our show, please send us a message: