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Making her highly anticipated return to the Faculty Factory Podcast this week is Ann Brown, MD, MHS.
Dr. Brown serves as Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Professionalism in the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, NC. She first joined out show nearly three and a half years ago.
In today’s reunion discussion, she utilizes a powerful lattice metaphor when discussing building a strong framework for career development.
“Part of the job of a faculty member is to be conscious of building that lattice framework as you go through faculty development and coaching conversations, through investing in yourself to build the scaffolding, the lattice,” she said.
This is another Faculty Factory Reunion episode where we visit with past guests to listen to what they have been up to since we last interviewed them on the show.
Want to listen to Dr. Brown’s first visit to the Faculty Factory? You can check that interview out here.
If you would like to contact Dr. Brown, you can reach her here:
Visit the Faculty Factory podcast homepage for more great episodes after you listen to today’s interview with Dr. Brown!