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Welcome to the first Faculty Factory podcast interview to take place in my basement! Today our “in-studio” guest is Linda Dillon Jones, PhD.
Typically our podcasts are recorded over the phone as I sit in my basement office, but our guest today is my longtime colleague who is local to Baltimore.
Dr. Jones is a Senior Faculty Development Consultant in the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. She previously served as the Interim Assistant Dean for Faculty Development at Johns Hopkins from 2011 to 2013.
She’s been at our institution for 25 years, and before that spent 14 years at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C. I find her story about how she ended up in her current role inspiring.
After establishing some strong success in Raleigh she was later recommended by her department for full professor. She discusses the challenges and eventual triumphs that came with her transition to the Baltimore-Washington region to be with her husband. Her advice could be very valuable for those in our field who may have an itch to leave their institution.
“It’s possible to recreate a successful career somewhere else even if you don’t have a job when you move,” she said.
Dr. Jones was able to recreate the success she had in Raleigh here in Baltimore, and she discusses her process for building programs at our institution on today’s podcast.
Creative Funding Efforts
As many of us know all too well there can be very little excess money at our institutions. With that in mind, we chatted about creative funding strategies that have been spearheaded by Johns Hopkins.
A lot of valuable information and ideas are exchanged about these funding strategies, and you can listen to this portion of the podcast beginning around the 12:20 mark of this episode.
You can also listen to the entire podcast with Linda Dillon Jones, PhD, above via the embedded podcast player.