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Today’s episode of the Faculty Factory podcast is an in-depth interview with Jeannette “Jan” M. Shorey II, MD. Dr. Shorey is Associate Provost for Faculty at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.
In the opening minutes of today’s podcast an honest discussion ensues about burnout, self-esteem, frustrations and fears.
Feelings of doubt can certainty creep in for me when I wonder about whether or not we are making a difference. On today’s episode we reflect on how meetings and gatherings, such as the Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA), and (hopefully) this podcast, can help build a much needed community for us. This community serves to help us recognize we are not alone.
We lean on each other for support and we learn from each other. Learning about what is going on at different institutions is crucially important.
“I think each school has to figure out the map, but I wouldn’t have been able to figure out the breadth of the map without colleagues at the GFA telling me what they did at their school,” Dr. Shorey said.
As you’ll learn in today’s episode, she spent much of her career on the east coast before returning to her home state of Arkansas where she “needed to reinvent her professional self.”
Dr. Shorey learned about concepts such as the importance of maintaining a valid database as one of her first infrastructure tasks at her institution. As a general internist, working with databases wasn’t something she was familiar with at this time, but harnessing the power of a reliable database has been key during her tenure at the University of Arkansas.
“Over the course of the last 17 years we’ve built or modified 4 databases that I think of as the basic infrastructure tools that help automate many administrative processes,” Dr. Shorey said.
Please make sure to listen to the entire episode through the embedded podcast player above, or by visiting our Podcast Homepage.