Did You Know?
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Office of Faculty, offers a Career Development Coaching Camp for mid-career women faculty.
Contact us if you would like us to bring our camp to YOUR faculty! Email: Kim Skarupski, PhD, MPH, at kskarupski@jhmi.edu or Heather Brod at heather@heatherbrod.com.
Faculty in academic medicine are constantly responding to pressures and deadlines from clinical, research and teaching responsibilities. This frenetic pace, especially while still reeling from a crippling global pandemic, makes it easy to lose sight of what we value, what we want, and what we need for our lives to be fulfilling and our careers to feel meaningful.
By offering this retreat, the goal is for faculty members to connect within a peer community to become refreshed, reinvigorated, inspired, encouraged, and feel supported, and through this, to gain a clearer sense of direction for the future.
Attendees of the inaugural Hopkins Camp were mid-career women clinician-scientists. Women at this career stage are especially vulnerable to burnout and benefit from the camaraderie of being with others experiencing the same types of needs and challenges.
However, this curriculum can be adapted to any career stage, as all faculty benefit from peer connection and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Facilitators: Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development (and Professional Coach), Kim Skarupski, PhD, MPH, and Ms. Heather Brod (Executive Coach and Consultant; former Executive Director for Faculty Advancement, Mentoring, and Engagement with the Ohio State University, College of Medicine).
Their customizable curriculum addresses the unique values, beliefs and assumptions that individuals hold and invites participants to engage in visioning and goal-setting exercises to chart a personally meaningful path forward. These are coupled with wellness activities that energize and de-stress, and healthy meals that foster conversation and connection.
Sample Schedule
Friday, 5:30PM: Welcome and dinner; program activity; wellness session
Saturday: Wellness session; breakfast; program activity; lunch; program activity; dinner; program activity; wellness session.
Sunday: Wellness session; breakfast; program activity; conclusion at 12:00 PM.
More Information
For more information, or to learn about how this might be adapted to meet the needs of your faculty, please email Dr. Skarupski: kskarupski@jhmi.edu or Ms. Brod: heather@heatherbrod.com